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  • Writer's pictureAisswarya Lakshmi


Updated: Jul 21, 2020

Image of chidambaram temple

Nataraja temple also referred to us the chidambaram NARARAJA temple or THILLAI NATARAJA temple . The word used to be called thillai following thillaivanam , derived from the mangrove of thillai trees ( EXOCOERIA AGALLOCHA ) that grove near the pichavaram wetlands . This site become a capital of cholas . The newer part of the temple is around a thousand years old but no one knows how old the older part of the temple is but people will say it's 4000 years or more .

Chidambaram the name of the city and the temple literally mean's" atmosphere of wisdom" . The word chidambaram comes from the tamil word ( chitrambalam ) chittru means wisdom while ampalam means atmosphere . What is the secrete of chidambaram ? First, andamum pindamum ondre . our great siddha agasthiyar and other siddhas realized and wrote about andamam pindiam theory as quoted in tamil .

" Andathil ullathe pindam ,

Pindathil ullathe andam

Andamum pindamum ondre " .

i.e, This means what is there in external cosmos existing within this body and the vice versa , both are one the same when one realizes their self . we are the centre of the cosmos and we just a point .

Andam - external cosmos ( ie , universe )

Pindam - our body

We are part of this universe ,

we are in this universe

we are in this universe ,

the universe is in us ,

Yes , the universe is in us .

- Neil deGrasse Tyson .

This explanation is proved by stephen Hawking who was the author of a brief history of time . It is a popular science book based on COSMOLOGY ( science of the origin and evolution of the universe ) . This book is published in 1988 . In this book hawking writes about the structure origin , development and eventual fact of the universe which is the object of study of astronomy and modern physics . He talks about the basic concept of space and time . He discusses two major theories quantum mechanics and general relativity . The general relativity explain space . The first module included the begining of the universe as a big-bang from a space of infinite density and zero volume . It's a reference of many universe . Hawking relates the quantum theory and Theory of relativity.

Quantum - very small particles

Theory of relativity - according to space or universe

stephan hawking - author of Brief history of time

There is nothing bigger

or older than

The universe .

- stephen hawking

The position of Nataraja is based on the movement of atoms . No one can able to belive but it is a fact . As in micro so , in macro . The whole exist within the minute particle and the minutest particle contains the whole . The atoms contains the universe and the universe contains the atom and neither exists without the others . There is a connection between nataraja dance and the position of subatomic particle it is proved by CERN . So nataraja is called as a huge cosmic dancer . You are not in the universe , you are the universe , an intrinsic part of it ultimately you are not a person , but a focal point where the universe is becoming conscious of itself .

" Everything in the universe has a rhythm , everything dances" .

- Maya Angel

everything dance - this word refer two meaning ,

1. nataraja dance

2 . movement of atoms

Position of nataraja

The temple is located at the center of world's magnetic equator . These temple is one of the pancha bootha sthalas . The five pancha bootha are earth , fire , water , air and space . In chidambaram temple represent space . It spread over an area of 50. acers .

Kalahasti - representing air

Kanchipuram - representing earth

Tiruvanamalai - representing fire

Tiruvanaikaval - representing water

Chidambaram - representing space

Center point of world's magnetic equator

Among these five temples , the temples at chidambaram , kalahasti and kanchipuram are located exactly on the straight line joining 79 degrees and 41 minutes East longitude . Other two temples are slightly offset from longitudinal bearing . The temple construction is based on human body . Nataraja sculpt represent our body . Temple roof is made up of 21600 gold sheet which denotes the 21600 breaths taken by a human beings every day (15x60x24) = 21600 . These sheet is used to fixed on the vimanam roof . 72000 gold nails which denotes the total no . of nerves in human body . Worshipped as space depicted by 51 vilvam gold leaves hang on the wall behind a curtain .

21600 gold sheet denote human begins breath everyday

Vilvam gold leaves

Darshan of chidambaram ragasiyam is possible only when priests open for special poojas . People who are fortunate to have a darshan of chidambara ragasiyam can merely see golden vilva leaves signifying the presence of lord shiva and parvathi infront of them . This is called as the chidambaram secret .

NEXT time if we enter into the temple we look like a research lab not a religious place....

And above all , watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unloved places.....

Stephan hawking said in 1988 about the cosmology that we all belive but our saga and siddhar said many years ago , we are not able to belive . What do you know from this ? I is unknown at this time what they will do after leaving the post . Stephan hawking told a time and universe at the full book . But our ancestors tell us about this concept .We will not belive siddhas and sagas have said to us . But a white man comes and told that even it is a false we belive in their words . universe and atoms are a same it is concept and is called as chidambaram secret . If you like what you read then like and share with your family and friends . Bye I'll come and meet you in the next secret.....

Creator exists within creation , even a creation exists within creator....

~ Brahamarishi Mayan (10,500 BC)

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1 comentario

21 jul 2020

Great work ma

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